Sunday, November 14, 2010

William the Conqueror

Introduction:  Today we interview William the Conqueror.

Question:  How did you become King of England and earn your title?

Answer:  In 1066, King Edward the Confessor died without an heir to his thrown.  A council of nobles chose Harold Godwinson, Edward’s brother-in-law to become the next King, but King Edward had promised me the thrown.  I am a descendant of the Vikings and was back then known as “William, Duke of Normandy” from France.  I received the Pope’s support.  To determine who got the thrown, a war was to be fought.  I quickly raised an army and sailed across the English Channel to England.  I fought Harold in the Battle of Hasting and was victorious giving me the title “William the Conqueror”.  I was crowned King of England on Christmas Day 1066.

Question:  Once King, what did you set out to do?

Answer:  I wanted to get control of my land.  I accomplished this by granting fiefs to Norman Lords and Churches, keeping land for myself, and monitoring where all castles are built.  I also had all vassals swear allegiance to me. 

Question:  What is a vassal?

Answer:  A vassal was a knight that would pledge allegiance to feudal lords, but I had them pledge allegiance to me instead.  This way I couldn’t be threatened. 

Question:  What is a “Domesday Book”?

Answer:  A “Domesday book” was the census of everything in my kingdom.  In 1086, I wanted to learn about my kingdom so I had a complete census taken.  The “Domesday Book” listed all people, property, buildings and livestock in my kingdom.  This helped me to create the first tax system.

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