Question: What was the Magna Carta?
Answer: I was sent the Magna Carta in 1215. It was a legal document which basically stated that I, the King, had to follow laws too. It also stated the Due Process of Law. This basically means that there are certain rules the government must follow for fair and impartial trials.
Question: Why were you sent it?
Answer: I personally thought I did a fine job ruling. I had some loses, but doesn't everyone?
Question: Yes, I suppose. But if you a good ruler, why would they send you this?
Answer: I guess not everyone appreciated the job I was doing. The Barons rebelled against me and forced me to sign the document. Along with what I said before, the document stated the Baron's state rights. My legal system was questionable according to them. They didn't like the taxes I made.
Question: Earlier you said you had loses. Can you elaborate?
Answer: I lost
Question: I heard that you weren't following your own law. Is this true?
Answer: As I said before, the document stated I needed to follow the laws. They probably wouldn't have made me sign a document with this in it if they weren't under the impression I was breaking the law. I have no obligation to answer your question other than to say that the Barons were under the impression that I was breaking the law.
Question: Just to sum things up; you the Magna Carta states that you had to follow the law, have fair trials or Due Process of Law, and give the Barons state rights. They sent you this because you broke the law and had an unjust legal system, according to the nobles.
Answer: Yes, that sounds about right.
Reply: Well, thank you for letting me interview you.
Response: No problem.
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