Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mongols Take China

In about 1200 A.D. the Mongols came out of central Asia.  While doing this, they also overran the Song China and imposed Mongol rule on its people.  The tribes in the area were constantly at war.  In the early 1200's, a Mongol Chief united these warring tribes.  His name was Temujin, but the world knows him as Genghis Kahn.

I'm glad I never met Genghis Kahn.  From what I've heard of him, he was ruthless.  Although I've meant many legendary folk by chance, Genghis Kahn isn't someone that I'd hope to come across.  Most troubled adults are the result of a hard childhood.  Genghis Kahn wasn't exactly a "troubled" adult, but he was responsible for a few events that I'm sure he wouldn't be too proud of.  The Mongols were destroyers.  The conquered people were usually harshly treated and ridiculed if they pay taxes for their heritage.  Anyways, Genghis Kahn had reason for his less-than honorable perspective on life.  His father was poisoned by a rival tribe when he was nine.  By the age of fifteen he was taken prisoner.  He wasn't exactly a well-treated prisoner either.  Genghis Kahn was paraded around the enemy’s camp and humiliated.  They locked his inside of a cell.  At age fifteen being locked in a cell isn't exactly ideal.  (Although at any age being locked in a cell probably isn't ideal.  My point is that he was very young to be in prison.)  When he finally regained his freedom, he didn't forget his inhospitable treatment and seeked revenged.  My grandfather was alive during this time and he tells me stories of the Mongols' glory days as though they were the high-point in civilization.  (Maybe for some it was, but for most conditions weren't too appealing.) Genghis Kahn imposed strict military discipline and demanded absolute loyalty from his people.  This is probably why he was able to conquer northern China.  His army was mobile, highly skilled and had the best horsemen in the world.  He taught his followers how to use cannons.  Genghis Kahn ended up dying in conquest.  He lived from 1162 A.D. to 1227A.D. 

The Mongols in general were not oppressive rulers.  They were tolerant and just.  The Mongols believed in letting conquered people live so long as they paid a tribute to Mongols.  They listened to the beliefs of other religions and religious peoples such as; Confucians, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Jews and Zoroastrians.
Genghis Kahn's son, who is the ruler now, established peace and order with in his domain.  With this advance cultural trade increased.  Food, tools, inventions, and ideas spread along the protected trade routes. 

The Song Empire in China was conquered by the Mongols in 1279.  Under Mongol rule, China's capitol was made Beijing which was renamed Khanbaliq.  Kublai Kahn tried to prevent the Mongols from being absorbed into Chinese civilization.  He made a law saying only Mongols could enter the military and reserved the highest government jobs for Mongols.  But there was one problem with Kublai's new rules; China was a big country and there weren't enough Mongolians.  Despite Kublai's best efforts, Chinese and foreign traditions began to blend.  Eventually Kublai himself adopted a new Chinese name for his empire; Yuan.  The Yuan Empire lasted from 1279 to 1294 A.D.  It decline after Kublai's death and eventually became conquered by the Ming Dynasty in 1368. 
Genghis Kahn’s actions led to a new empire, even though all of his actions weren’t exactly honorable. 

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